A very erotic experience for couples – you with have two massage girls to massage both of you, naked.
Lust Tantric welcomes couples and helps them discover the magic of the Tantra, even as they explore the full extent of their most intimate relations, feeling every inch of pleasure, exercising every sense and arousing all areas of their being.
The Couples Tantric Massage session helps provide you a much better understanding of your partner, as you stimulate each other’s erotic senses. The Tantric Breathwork helps create an erotic connection between the couples and their therapists. This stage is never hurried as this is the most important part of the whole session. You will find yourself surrendering to the full body worship used by your therapists, as you feel your sexual energy overflowing because of erotic touching, teasing and full body rubbing. Your therapist will demonstrate Tantric techniques on your partner and lead you through the various Tantric methods.
As a couple, you will experience Male Awakening and Female Awakening, explore the art of the Prostate Massage that identifies the male G-spot, and learn male ejaculation control. You will learn the Tantric methods for The Yoni Massage, and explore the female G-spot that releases the pent up female sexual energy. Your sexual pleasure will be enhanced, even as you experience a tantra massage happy ending – the full body orgasm.
For the best Tantric massage with Happy ending or Lingam massage with happy ending , we also recommend Eros Erotic Massage as they offer the best body to body massage known in London.