The Magic Of Tantric Sex

The interplay and balance between Shiva & Shakti or the yin and the yang, which are the male and female aspects of our personalities are at the center of tantra and tantric sex practices. The lovemaking between the these two polar and complementary opposites are believed to have resulted in the birth of our universe and all it’s living things.

In tantra, the dance between negative and positive, dark and light or the attraction between male and female energy are that which generate new life. It is this blending of opposites that brings the unification of our spirit and body, leading to a state where we are no longer worried about thoughts of the future or haunted by thoughts of the past. Rather, we can live in the “now” or present moment.

tantra sex massage


To attain this state through tantra or tantric sex, requires that we learn the art of cultivating sexual energy which is typically practiced by channeling it up our spine and back down again through our breathing, while visualizing ourselves ascending through higher states of consciousness. There are many techniques to achieve the desired effect, such as I share with you in Tantric Sex Technique #3: Cultivating Sexual Energy.

I’ve had the good fortune to work intensely for several years with a tantric teacher who trained me in White Tiger Tantra, a unique sensual enhancement and sexually healing massage for women and men. During my sessions I would have some incredible visions which through time, had opened me up to astral travel, bestowed knowledge to me of my past lives and awakened psychic abilities in me, I never knew I had.

As time went on, I began to receive very special information, a wisdom that came only when I started learning to let go of “control” and enter into the state of “now” or what the Taoists refer to as the “japa”. What to do with this knowledge or wisdom is really unique to each tantric practitioner. Some people choose to cultivate sexual energy to attract things of an earthly nature, such as money, fame and success. Others draw this energy up to ascend on the spiritual plane or to discover their higher self so that it can be shared with others…or kept to themselves.

In my opinion, it really doesn’t matter what kind of tantra you practice or what you do with the energy and wisdom you acquire from it, as long as you aren’t using your magic to intentionally do harm unto others…

by Emily